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ENISo - National School of Engineers
Address:  RHCV+446, Technological Pole of Sousse, Sahloul Belt Road, Sousse 4054.
State or County:  Sousse
Postal Code:  4054
Country:  Tunisia
Mobile:  (+216) 73 369 501
Phone:  73 369 500
Fax:  (+216) 73 369 506
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The ENISo was created in July 2005 to address a national need for engineers in innovative advanced specialties, notably mechatronics (Meca), industrial electronics (EI), and applied computer science (IA).

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RHCV+446, Technological Pole of Sousse, Sahloul Belt Road, Sousse 4054.

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Contact L'ENISo

Téléphone: (+216) 73 369 500
Fax: (+216) 73 369 506

Open Hours

Mondat - Thusday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Friday - Saturday: 10 AM - 3 PM

Sunday: Closed